For Corporates

Modern corporate requirements are such that they look specifically for those candidates who can add value to their organization with their soft skills and the ability to develop and use soft skills which can make the difference between a job offer and enjoyment of new employment. This requirement of soft skills in a job has made the competition for job acquisition and job sustainability tougher. All those candidates who wish to get an edge over their competitor are expected to refine their soft skills. It is essential for achieving the desired results; leaving an empowering imprint on the client .The programme creates a solid basis for the participants self awareness and need for continuous development through interactive workshops that guarantee an enjoyable learning experience. The idea is to apply the learnings to sustain a long term behaviour pattern which is the key ingredient of a successful program .

The programmes are curated for every clients specific need and target audience. A group programme or an individual one on one programme can be designed .

Soft skills are essentially people’s skills or personality specific skills. Soft skills are “non-technical, intangible, personality specific skills” which determine an individual’s strength as “a leader, listener and negotiator, or as a conflict mediator”. Soft skills are the traits and abilities of attitude and behavior rather than of knowledge or technical aptitude

Hard skills are definitely essential and important and will get the job done. But, it’s the soft skills that will make the emotional connection and inspire the lasting impact most leaders desire.

My services include –
1) Communication Etiquette — How you speak matters more than what you speak.
Verbal Communication
The power of words , The power of modulating your voice ,dealing with conversation mishaps, texting and email etiquette .
Non Verbal Communication — 93% of the impression we leave is through non verbal communication , its only 7% through words .
Body language , gestures , eye contact , posture , listening skills

2) Grooming Strategies  — Learn how to package yourself brilliantly with strategic grooming .
Skin, Hair and makeup — I work with a team of renowned skin specialists , makeup artist and hair stylist who counsel the client depending on their requirement.
Nutrition and Fitness — with the help of the nutritionist a lifestyle changing diet is provided again tailor made to the indivuals needs , likewise with the fitness training programme.
Colour and wardrobe analysis — The human skin has various tones , hence a colour analysis depending on your skin tone is very essential to get the best out of you . On the basis of this the wardrobe selection is done keeping in mind the personal style and lifestyle of the client , seeing what works for them , helping them plan their wardrobe as well as their accessories such as footwear , belts . jewellery , helping them bring out elegance and poise with the right professional image .

3) The Art Of Networking Fit For Empowerment — Use the power of the right professional image and communication skills to gain success

4) Dining and Entertainment Etiquette — Enhance overall conduct and dining style with during a formal and informal entertainment .

5)Successful Image And Social Skills For International Travel